Monday, November 24, 2008


So thanks to facebook and the ability for people to post a status i was able to find this song that was sung last night at the AMA's it is the song Angel but this version is sung by Pink and Sarah McLachlan anyway the song got me thinking... What are my thoughts on Angels.. Its a pretty cool thing to think about... And i have concluded that they do exist and i am happy they do. I think angels can be a spiritual being that protect us or give us comfort when we need it but I think they can also come in the form of a friend or a family memeber. It always seems like when those rough days show up that a friend will step up and help carry some of the weight, or that a family member will give us a call and just chat when we need it. I know this has been true in my life. Yesterday was one of those days that started out really great but by the end could not end fast enough and i was grateful for the angels i have in my life including friends and my newphews and niece. So to go along with this post i have attached the song Angels... I hope you enjoy


Kath, Becca, and Ellie said...

so where's my shout out? haha. amazing song and loved- no, LOVED- this version of it.