Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Last night I had the chance to attend my first MLB playoff game in Fenway Park and let me tell you it did not disappoint. If you want to read all about the game click on this link:
The game was full of thrills and cheers but thankfully no tears! To sum the game up we were tied 2-2 going into the bottom of the ninth there was 2 outs with a runner on second base when Jed Lowrie got a base hit to score Jason Bay.Fenway park went crazy !!!! People were giving High fives, and hugging and cheering it was awesome.We now get to play the Devil Rays for a chance to get back to the World Series! The best part is the opportunity to go to the game came as the biggest surprise. Let me just say this... The song by Alabama "I believe there are angels among us" is totally true. Blair thank you thank you thank you for loving the Redsox and for getting me to this game!!! I had the best time and will NEVER forget it... Living in Boston is a dream come true and being apart of Redsox nation is the best feeling in the world.

(some of the relief pitchers headed out to celebrate with the bullpen cop billy Dunn... look further down the blog to meet billy.)

Celebrating the big win!!!! the players go crazy its awesome to see!!! The best part of seeing this team win is watching them celebrate with the fans.

This is Billy Dunn he is the cop that watches over the pitchers in the bullpen and he is pretty much a icon and celebrity at fenway park. he is at every game and has even had newspaper articles written about him. He is a homicide police officer during the day in one of the scary parts of boston. We met him last week at one of the games and then when Blair and i were leaving we saw him standing there again and he remembered us so we had to get another picture with him. He is one of the best traditions at fenway so needless to say i had to give a big thumbs up!


Matt & Ali said...

Dang Jo!!! Look how many fun things you get to do!!!! I am totally jealous!

**nicke... said...

dude i totally love you! i loved this post. i would love to go to a redsox game with you and whit. it would be a blast!

did you know that the chippendales are coming to cactus petes in november? too bad you live in boston! love ya!

Lex and Chris said...

Hey Girlie! How you doin? Seems you are living it up out East! Drop me a line sometime! I glad you are so happy out there!