Friday, August 10, 2007

My first ultra sound... and no its wasn't mine.

So today i just so happened to witness my first ultra sound and let me tell you it was both incredible and exciting yet a little creepy. don't worry the utra sound was not for me it was my sister is law's. my niece is due in Oct and i figured since i won't get to see her for months after she is born i might as well catch the first glimpse even if she is still in the womb. hahah and who knows if i will ever have my own ultra sound so i thought i better take the chance to see how this all works.

now the utrasound pictures that i have always seen consisted of black and white. usually more black. and some sort of blur that i was always convinced was a hoax that the OBGYN showed and not really a fetus. BUT withcell phones that you can actually watch tv on 9even though mine was stolen and held for ransom) it was no surprise to me that these things actually give you a photo of a 3D and new to me 4 D images... i've never seen a movie in 4D which means i didn't even know it exsisted.. but it does and i saw my niece in it... They even give you a DVD to prove it.

So while watching this ultra sound of my new niece Haily Ann (just for the record the Ann comes from the middle of my name) i was able to watch her not only yawn but open her eyes, suck her thumb, rub her eyes and this was as if she wasn't being crammed inside a person. It was crazy. i had never seen anything like it. you could even see whose nose she has ( we all know my nose is my best feature...but i think her lips could be hers) and how long her fingers are. it was fantastic. I was only a little alarmed at how hard the doctor pushed on my sister in law to make the baby move hahahah don't worry no one was injured.And the fact that my 3 year old nephew kept saying she looks like an alien...which was only partly true.. she still has a few months to go before she is welcomed into the world.. give her time. Being my first ultrasound i would have to say it was a complete success. modern technology.. i can't wait to see what they come up with next...