Saturday, October 24, 2009

Holy Sh** I went hiking today

Why is when something sounds like a good idea it turns out to be a REALLY bad one? So this week my boss and one of my coworkers told me about this really great hike not too far from my house. They said it was only 1.5 miles to the top and a lot of switchbacks so i am thinking hmmm must not be that bad and since it is beautiful here in southern CA i might as well get out there and enjoy it. BAD IDEA hahah so friday night I say to Blair "B my coworkers told me about a little hike we could go on." Now being the good friend that she is and knowing that I am trying to get back into better shape she of course agreed. Well around 10:30 am we drive about 15 min to the base of the so called small hike. we sat in the car for a good 5-7 min debating if we have just made the biggest mistake by going there. For the record we both HATE to camp and we HATE to hike hahah. after going back and forth we decide since we are already here we might as well give it a try so gatoraids in hand we start the long journey to the 360 degree view of san diego. Let me just say this the hike was not small and was wicked steep. the best part was they had a sign for ever quarter of a mile you walked. I knew after i saw that first 1/4 mile we had made a mistake but since neither of us wanted to quit we just kept chugging up a giant dirt rocky walkway. Half way up blair turned around and says "you owe me a trip to disneyland for this and we are so staying until midnight" hahah this is because we just went to disneyland and well i am ok if i only go once every 5 years and i could leave at 9 pm and be just fine. I think the only thing that got us to the top of the mountain was laughing over a convo we heard coming from 4 girls about our age... it went something like this:

"So that guy I went out with over the weekend he invited me to church with him. He told me god invites all children to come unto him."

So of course this perked blair and I's interest, but we could have NEVER guessed what was going to happen next. She stops looks at her friends and says.

"He was a mormon and was trying to convert me."

hahah we laughed so hard.

WEll to make a long story short we made it to the top of that damn mountain sweating bullets and breathing hard and decided we would never do it again. But i must say the breeze at the top and the view of everything was pretty amazing and it made me appreciate the 80 degree weather even more.Plus we stopped by sonic on our way home and crabbed a diet coke a diet strawberry limeaid rootbeer float and fresh fruit slush hahha Just so you can all see the view i added a picture of what it looks like at the top :)


Marci Wittwer Butterfield said...

So proud of my little jo jo and B too! Who would have ever imagined the two of you rockin the mountain. Good work girl. ps... I love the story about the mormon trying to convert her up.. classic.

kim said...

I shed a tear today jo. Well done on that "mountain." haha. Looked beautiful. I would give anything to hike with you and to hear everything you would say...I would give anything to get to spend a day with you. You crack me up girl. I miss you a lot! Hope to see over Christmas! What days you going?

Dianne said...

You're a rockstar Jo! Love you.

Kim said...

I love the view from up there. But holy crap that sucks when someone tells you it's a "little" hike.

Whitney said...

hahaha, laughing this whole post! mostly because it reminds me of my favorite story of the one and only swensen's camping trip! but also because i can picture you two. that story of the girls you overheard was awesome too! the view was definitely worth it. glad you are having fun! love ya

ross said...

Jo... how have I never heard this story? It is so funny- I can just imagine the two of you!!!! HAHAHAHa